The Argument for Organic Fertilizer

Homeowner Fertilizer Lawn

The current market for fertilizer is filled with seemingly endless options. When you’re trying to make sense of so many different products, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for keeping your landscape healthy. The first step to narrowing down your choices is to decide whether you want synthetic or organic fertilizer.

Synthetic fertilizers are manmade with inorganic compounds and chemically-manufactured plant nutrients. Organic fertilizers contain nutrients that derive from natural sources, such as animal waste, microbes, and plants. While both types will provide essential nutrients to your landscape, there are a few good reasons to consider choosing organic over synthetic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer improves soil structure.

Organic material does more than just feed your plants. It also improves the soil’s overall ability to hold onto nutrients and water as well, which can then be released as plants need it. This increased capacity for holding nutrients helps feed insects, bacteria, fungi, and other beneficial microorganisms in the soil that help get the nutrients to the plants.

Organic fertilizer provides plants with a balanced diet.

Some people prefer synthetic fertilizers because they work more quickly than their organic counterparts. The problem is that because the nutrients are delivered so fast, your lawn and plants are essentially being overfed—which is not as helpful for sustainable long-term growth. Organic fertilizer, on the other hand, releases nutrients slowly as soil and plants need them. This promotes stronger root development and more consistent growth over time.

Organic fertilizer is better for the environment.

Another problem with synthetic fertilizers is that they run off more easily, contaminating groundwater, waterways, and the land and marine life that depend on that water with harmful chemicals. But since they’re made with organic matter, organic fertilizers are safe for plant and animal life and the environment (and also less likely to burn your lawn or plants). The production of organic fertilizer is eco-friendlier too, as synthetic fertilizers are made using fossil fuels.

If you’re worried about choosing the wrong fertilizer, soil, mulch, or other provisions for your lawn or garden, leave the decision up to the pros. At VistaPro Landscape & Design, our grounds management team can choose and apply the best products to keep your landscape thriving. We’ll also take care of any upkeep you don’t feel confident handling yourself, from lawn mowing to annual plant rotations and more.

Get in touch with our experts today if you’re interested in premier care and maintenance services for your landscape!