Spring Landscaping Suggestions for Your Yard

Spring Landscaping Tips

With the spring season in full swing, it’s a good time to start implementing some landscaping tips and tricks to freshen up your yard. After a long winter, there is much to be done as flowers start to pop from the ground and bless us with their beauty. Landscaping your outdoor space may appear to be a tedious task, but it is one of the many joys of springtime as you can watch your yard transform into a beautiful oasis of new life.

Here are a few landscaping suggestions to get your yard ready for the spring season!

Perform a Spring Cleanup

First, visually look over the exterior of your house and your yard. Pay attention to the health of trees and shrubs. Remove broken or dead branches– Spring’s a fine time to prune before trees and shrubs go into full bloom mode. You can also test the pH of your soil to see if it’s healthy or not. Often, people hire a professional to do this every couple of years or so.

Make Lawn Improvements

Fertilize your lawn, especially if you want to improve soil conditions after having your soil inspected. Fertilizer can help add needed nutrients to your lawn. The type of grass you have for your lawn will determine the best time of year to fertilize it. You can inquire locally at stores where fertilizer is sold and read the bag to understand better what you need and when you need it. In addition to fertilizer, spring is a good time to apply weed control on your lawn. You can also add about an inch of fresh mulch to plant beds and trees.

Get Familiar with Local Pests

Sun and water are not the only natural elements that will touch your precious plants this spring. Pests such as wildlife, insects, and stray animals can wreak havoc on your landscaping. Plan if you need fencing, wire mesh, or store-bought repellents to deter and ward off local pests.

Prepare Your Planting Areas

Are there stray leaves still hanging around your yard? Rake them up and dispose of them. Use an edging tool to edge around your planting beds. Do the prep work you need to do to get ready to plant flowers there. Also, if you use a hose outdoors to water things, you’ll want to turn the spigot on for the season and test it out. If it hasn’t rained in a while, it’s a good idea to water the lawn and trees, etc.

Plan for Growth

When choosing landscaping and sizes of plants, estimate how large the plants will grow in six weeks, six months, etc. If you plant too many small shrubs in front of your living room window and then find they are actually small trees, you may have to dig them up soon. When purchased from your nursery, most plants will have height and growth requirements on the pots. Pay attention to these before you plant.

Once you know what type of plants you’d like at your home, map out the area in which your plants will be planted. Estimate enough room for pedestrians walking around and future maintenance of your landscaping. Ensure walkways will have safe areas for footing, and tall plants will not obstruct view lines from inside your home.

If spring yard maintenance is too much for you to handle alone, VistaPro Landscape & Design can help! We have years of knowledge and services to get your yard back into shape this spring season. From our grounds management to planting services, we can assist you in returning your yard to the beautiful masterpiece it once was before winter struck.  

Call us today at (305)805-0119 to get your yard ready for spring and learn more about our other landscaping services!