Landscaping Myths to Ignore

Landscaping Myths What are some common landscaping myths?

Optimal Sow Seeding Time

For starters, when Springtime comes around, people automatically think, “Well, now’s the best time to replace my lawn since plants are getting ready to bloom.” Actually, the best time to sow seed and get new grass “going” would be in the fall. That’s when weeds have gone dormant (so grass seed has less competition) and the temperatures are more consistent. It can be hard for grass to grow when spring turns into summer and there are days of extreme heat.


Oftentimes, people feel the need to water their landscaping plants daily. They don’t want them to “dry out.” Well, overwatering can kill plants just like lack of water can, and long story short: you don’t have to water them daily.

Grass Clippings

How about mowing? Some people look at a golf course and admire the low, green grass. They decide to cut their own yard’s grass that short– but guess what? It “burns out” and looks bad! You should keep “some height” on your grass, never cutting more than a third of the grass leaf at a time. Oh, and instead of removing grass clippings after you mow, let them stay where they are (within reason) because they’re full of water and decompose quickly. Grass clippings actually help fertilize the lawn!


Have you heard the myth that lawns aren’t “organic?” Well that’s ridiculous! Lawns contain more than just grass– they also have earthworms, fungi and soil microbes. Lawns are quite organic.

Fertilizing Time

Do you think early Springtime is the right time to fertilize your lawn? Actually, fertilizers can be tricky– there are certain fertilizer sources that need to be applied at certain rates in the right place at the right time of the year. For some, that’s early spring… or late spring, or early fall– you get the idea. Read the instructions and do your research when it comes to using lawn fertilizers.

Irrigation Systems

Finally, there’s the myth that it’s cheaper to water a lawn using a garden hose than using an installed irrigation system. Here’s the thing: irrigation systems have controllers which turn them on/off when needed, so they’re not wasting water. Research shows that “smart” irrigation systems can save people up to 20% on their water bills. Basically, they’re more targeted and effective at watering a lawn than the old way of using a garden hose.

If you need help with the landscape design of your property, contact Vista Pro Landscape & Design today.